Travis' Crib....All medicines are given orally. He is only attached to the monitors and still has his Pacer wires on. They plan on pulling them tomorrow.

They have a TV in the room, so this will be similar to what life will be like at home. Me watching T.V. as Travis sleeps on my chest. He is super small still even though he is now a 8 pounder.

This was the old IMU room. It was a double and not so big. We like our new spot for now.
This is our private room in the IMU. Very nice.
Travis just hanging out and playing with his toys.
Travis is so cozy when he sleeps.
Travis is so comfy on his daddy.
Travis has his keys and is ready to get out of here.
So Happy we will be seeing him safe at your home in a few days. Grandma knows he has so much to tell me. It has beed quite a journey. Keep up the excape plan...that is after the Doctors give him a good once over first.