Sunday, November 15, 2009

Pictures 11/15/2009 and Update

This was a quiet weekend as expected. The test are starting up tonight to get ready for the surgery on Friday. They will be doing several exams and test in the next couple of days. I know that a lot of people our praying for Travis and we appreciate all of the prayers. Please pray that his blood culture tests and all of the pre-surgery tests come out okay. It has been a long wait for his Norwood surgery and we do not need any more setbacks. Nicole and I are really getting scared as the days get closer to Friday. Thanks again to everyone who has made an effort to help us out in the time of need.
Travis was all dressed up from head to toe with CHARGERS Gear.
Travis showing off his new Charger hat.
Travis is showing his 4 left fingers to remind everyone that
the Chargers are 4-0 since he was born.
Travis got to try on his first t-shirt today. He wasn't quite sure of it.
Travis finally got cozy with his new threads.
Doing all this modeling is tiring. Good Night!!!


  1. He is such a cutie. No worries about him being older for the Norwood. Hope was 16 days old and she is doing wonderful. I personally think that waiting was actually better for her and gives them time to get bigger and stronger.

    I am continuing to pray for your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers throughout the day and night.

  2. I found your blog through Hopes blog. I will be praying for your family. I hope everything turns out great for you guys. Your baby boy is gorgeous! Take pictures and video like crazy even though they make think you are going over board, one day you will look back and be so happy you did that.

  3. I too found you through Hope's blog. Travis is just the cutest...we will be praying for you all this week and watching for the good news. Every good wish to your family. Annamarie, Paul, Jack, Elle and Eve (born 12-12-08 with CHD, OHS 4-13-09)
