1. Travis turned four months old on Tuesday! Whoohoo! The past couple months have really flown by. It is so much fun to watch him learn and grow everyday. Sometimes, he literally takes my breath away. I love that little guy!
2. We took him to his 4 month well baby check today. He weighed in at.......drum roll......11lbs 9oz. Yowza! This kid is getting big. So crazy that he has almost doubled his birth weight! The doctor said everything is looking good with him. He had his immunizations and has been a grumpy pants all night. Thankfully, he is finally sleeping! Here is a picture of him at the doctor's office....it's fuzzy because it was taken with a cell phone.

3. Roger found the cutest little onesie online the other day, bought it and had it shipped. We received it yesterday and I can not wait until he fits into it. The text reads "Chicks Dig Scars". Here is a picture of a t-shirt version of the onesie. Appropriate, right?

4. Travis is really becoming aware of his surroundings! He is now noticing our animals around the house. He'll watch Vinny's tail as it swings back and forth. He'll watch the cats walk on top of me on the couch. It's probably not long until he starts trying to grab them and eat their tails :)
5. On the last post we asked you "lurkers" to identify yourselves and post a comment to tell us who you are. THANK YOU to those of you that did that!! It is so fun to see who is actually reading this blog and it gives us more motivation to keep updating it! We also added a "feedjit" column to right side of the blog. It shows us where people visit our site from. Very interesting to see who is on here! We KNOW we have more visitors than the 9 that commented.....so.....the rest of you please take a minute to tell us who you are and where you found us! Thanks!
Grandma Sue is reading the update and Lovin' the onesie and the good doctor office report. Keep up the GREAT work Roger, Nicole & Baby Travis!
ReplyDeleteI love following Travis and his growth. I am a friend of Karen DiCarlo's and live in Portland, Oregon. I have been following you all along your journey, just don't usually leave a comment.
ReplyDeleteAngela and I were good friends in high school - she gave me the link to your blog, and I've been following along ever since. I have identical twins, now almost 4, who were born at 29-weeks and who spent 70 days in the NICU fighting for their lives... I know that life all too well. One of my sons had a PDA ligation when he was 1 week old... nothing compared to what Travis has been through, but we have the same shirt, and he wears it proudly!