1. Now that the weather is nicer we have been able to spend more time outside. Travis LOVES looking at trees.....especially when the leaves are swaying in the wind. We decided to take a picture of him and one of his "friends".

2. Travis is such a big boy. This week we went out to dinner and decided we would try a high chair. He did so well in it and LOVED being able to look around at things. He is such the flirt.....he will smile at all the people around and melt their hearts!

3. Last weekend we participated in the Murrieta Relay for Life in honor of my dad. Travis had a good time watching all the activities. Although we didn't stay long.....we had a really great time. I felt inspired by all those people who fight this disease and win!!! Worst thing I heard there is that 1 in 3 people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes. That is a friggin SCARY statistic!!!!!!

4. Last week when we were trying to get to the bottom of the pulse issue Travis had to have an EKG. He is such a trouper when it comes to these things.....look at that smile!

5. During our "downtime" today we went to Mission Bay park and met up with a couple old friend of Roger's who got to meet Travis for the first time. Nikki and Amanda used to play for Roger when they were younger. Here is a picture of Nikki and Travis. Amanda was sick so she was banished to the outskirts of the blanket and stayed far away from Travis :(. Mission Bay was beautiful and we had a nice visit.

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